Every Day Is Groundhog Day (Except for the Days When It’s Not) cover art

Transcript for Bonus: Emergency Episode - Groundhog Babies!

Episode published: Saturday 05/11/2024

Michael: Hey everyone, and welcome to an emergency episode of Every Day is Groundhog Day (Except for the Days When It's Not), the one and only podcast devoted to the holiday, Groundhog Day. So, even though we're in the off-season right now, there has been some big news in the Groundhog Day world, and I thought it was important enough that we record this emergency show. Sure, the big event that we're talking about happened back at the end of March, and it's mid-May now, but it's still kind of a developing story, so I don't think we're too late yet. The groundbreaking news I'm talking about, of course, is that Punxsutawney Phil is now a father. Here to talk about this with me are my daughters.

C: Hi!

E: Hi!

Michael: So, on Saturday, March 23rd, Punxsutawney Phyllis, who is Phil's mate/wife gave birth to two baby groundhogs! Apparently, this was a total surprise to everyone, except for maybe the groundhogs. According to Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle President Thomas Dunkel, “The groundhogs’ handler went in to feed the groundhogs and noticed baby groundhogs under Phyllis. At first, it wasn't known if they were male or female, but now we do know that one's a boy and one's a girl.”

This is the first time that Phil has had any offspring, at least officially. Thomas Dunkel said that he didn't think Phyllis and Phyllis could have children in captivity because up until this point, it hadn't happened. It's a little surprising that the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club didn't realize that Phyllis was pregnant. I don't really know what the gestation period for groundhogs is, but I would have to imagine that it's at least a few months. You would think they would have noticed that one of the groundhogs is pregnant.

E: Yeah, can’t they see it?

C: Yeah, I would expect them to at least get, like, a little bigger.

Michael: Yeah, they're not hibernating anymore. So, first off, let's look at some videos that the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club has posted, and let me know what you think. So, this is the first one. It was posted shortly after the babies were born. So, what do you think?

E: They're so cute.

Michael: Yeah, so this video doesn't have any sound, but they're just two little, tiny groundhogs, I guess, rolling around, playing with each other.

C: So cute!

Michael: Okay, so that was the first one. This is another one, and I guess that must be Phyllis. Phyllis is eating something, and the babies are, I don't know...

C: They’re cuddling.

Michael: I don't know if they're being fed or, yeah, cuddling with her.

C: That's so cute.

E: She's so cute. She’s eating.

Michael: So, the groundhogs haven't been named yet, and visitors to Punxsutawney were given a chance to help decide what their names were going to be. Between April 30th and May 9th, there were suggestion boxes around the town where people could write down what they thought the names should be. The names are set to be announced on May 12th, which is Mother's Day, which is this weekend. But still, I'm going to ask each of you: What do you think their names should be?

C: I feel like if you wanted to stick with, like, the kind of, like, predictor theme, you could do, Spring and Frost. But I also like the name Poppy for the girl.

Michael: Those sound like pretty good names. Poppy is actually the name of a number of prognosticators, both past and present. I believe there's a few groundhogs that have had the name Poppy, and there's at least one skunk named Poppy that also does a prediction every year. What about you?

E: I think that Philia and Philbur is a good one for the boy and girl.

Michael: Those sound like pretty good names. So, of course, as you're aware, Phil is immortal. He's currently 138 years old. He gets an elixir of life every summer at the annual Groundhog Picnic, which extends his life seven years. His immortality, though, means that these children will never have the opportunity to take their father's place as the seer of Punxsutawney. So, I think that these baby groundhogs should go to other towns, probably in Pennsylvania, and become their local groundhog. On Twitter, I suggested that Philadelphia should try to get one, but there are plenty of other places that don't have their own prognosticator. What about Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Kingston, Forty Fort? Phil's children are never going to get out from under their father's shadow, so to speak, if they stay in Punxsutawney. What do you think? Do you think that they should stay in Punxsutawney or go somewhere else?

E: I mean, I think they should stay for a bit and then go to get their own places.

Michael: I mean, I guess if they stay there, they could always help. They could be brought out, maybe all be on the stage at the same time. But still, I think it might be better if they go somewhere else.

C: I think it could be really cool if they went on special trips to forecast for other places. I think they should stay with their parents for a while and then just, like, special for Groundhog Day, they can go predict for other places.

Michael: That might work. They could travel on that day and then return to Punxsutawney. That's a good idea. So, Phil and Phyllis have lived in the Groundhog Zoo at the Punxsutawney Memorial Library for many years. But evidently, the whole family is going to be moved to a new zoo up at Gobbler's Knob, which is where they do the actual prediction every year. I'm not sure if this is a new development based on the surprise additions to the family, but it might be something that was already in the works. So, one thing I've been curious about but haven't had a chance to really dig into is how long Phil has had a partner. But I found the answer in an article in the Washington Post that was published discussing the birth of the babies. Phyllis had a mate since the ‘70s named Phyllis, however, it hasn't always been the same groundhog. It's just been a series of female groundhogs that have always been given the name Phyllis because (and this is something I was going to get into in a future episode when I go more in-depth on Punxsutawney Phil) only Phil gets the elixir of life every year. His wife does not. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club is very clear on this, even having it as a frequently asked question on their website. I was surprised when I learned about this a few years ago and I even started a petition to try to convince the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to give the elixir to Phyllis as well. I'll link to it in the show notes if you're interested in signing the petition.

But this now begs the question: will the children get the elixir? Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that too and it seems pretty cruel of the Groundhog Club to only give Phil the elixir of life. What do you think? Do you think that Phyllis and his children should get the elixir of life? Or do you think it should be reserved just for Punxsutawney Phil?

C: I feel that, especially now that he is a family, they should really give the elixir to the whole family because it'd be kind of sad losing his wife.

Michael: Right. It's the Superman problem. Superman is destined to outlive everybody he knows and loves for eternity. He just keeps going and bye-bye Lois, bye-bye any children he might have. But the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club could solve the problem pretty easily. They just have to make a little more elixir. I think it's just made from dandelions. It can't be that hard to produce.

C: Do you think we're gonna go to Punxsutawney to see Phil's prediction next Groundhog Day?

Michael: No.

C: Even if there's some surprise guests?

Michael: So, do you both want to get up at 1:00 AM? That's what you would have to do in order to get any sort of... It's cold. It's Pennsylvania. It's February. I don't know that you guys really want to do it. Do you want to do it?

E: Yes.

Michael: So, there's 40,000 people. It's, like, -10°. We'll have to get up really early, we'll have to travel there at least the day before, if not several days. The one thing about this year is it is on a Sunday. It could be done. I just don't know that anybody in this family is up for everything it will entail.

E: I still want to go for the babies. I bet they'll be so cute, little, and small.

Michael: They will be cute, little, and small. But we could make a separate trip and just go to the Groundhog Zoo in August or something when it isn't -10°. And the other thing is there are rumblings that there might be a new Milltown Mel this year. And I feel like we would really have to go. It's been a long time since there's been a Milltown Mel. We haven't been to see it, and it's much closer than Punxsutawney. I don't know. We will have to discuss it further. We need to get press passes. If we can get press passes and maybe get up on stage, maybe that'll work. We'd get some good photos. I believe the governor's son was up on stage last year, but he didn't wear the top hat.

C: How does the place they live work? Are we able to visit them?

Michael: Yes. The Groundhogs right now, they live in the Punxsutawney Memorial Library, but as I mentioned, it looks like they're opening a new zoo up at Gobbler's Knob.

C: Well, if we can't go to see Phil predict, then you're going to have to take us there sometime.

Michael: That sounds like a good idea. Maybe the better idea would be to go to the Groundhog Picnic. That takes place, I believe in, I think it's in September, actually. I think it takes place in September.

C: We can go?

Michael: Yes.

E: So, that's when they give the elixir to Phil?

Michael: Yes, and that's when they don't give the elixir to Phyllis and the as-of-yet unnamed babies.

C: Do they usually bring Phyllis to it? Do you think the babies might be there too?

Michael: I don't know if Phyllis is usually there. I would imagine that this year they would probably have the babies. It's big news, so maybe the whole family will be there. Maybe that's a good alternative. I would guess the picnic is not as crowded as the Groundhog Day prediction. Maybe if it doesn't conflict with anything, we can drive out there for the weekend, check out the elixir. Maybe we can get some of the elixir for ourselves as well.

C: Do you want to feed it to the Groundhog in the back?

Michael: I want to feed it to us.

E: I think it's kind of sad that the babies will be there because they're just watching their father drink it, but they're not drinking it, so they're just sad.

Michael: I would give you the magical, life-extending drink, and not drink it myself.

E: But you're older than us.

C: Thank you.

Michael: Do you think that the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club was freaking out when they found out that there were additional Groundhogs in the groundhog lair?

E: Yeah, very surprising when there's just two additional Groundhogs in there.

C: I mean, probably, if they didn't even know Phyllis was pregnant. I can't wait to see more pictures of the babies!

Michael: We can't steal them if that's what you're thinking.

C: No! I just want to see pictures of them, once they get named.

Michael: All right, so I guess that's all for now. When the names are announced, I'll post an update on CountdownToGroundhogDay.com.

E: We shall see what the names will be.

Michael: Music for this show was written by the Fantastic Breakmaster Cylinder. Show artwork is by Tom Mike Hill. Transcripts are provided by Aveline Malek at TheWordary.com. If you want to learn more about Groundhog Day, visit CountdownToGroundhogDay.com. Any feedback or voice messages can be sent to podcast@countdowntogroundhogday.com. Have thoughts about the new Groundhog babies? Let us know. Thanks for listening. Talk to you soon.

E: Bye!

C: Bye!


Transcribed by Aveline Malek at TheWordary.com